Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Accupressure As A Motion Sickness Remedy

Upset stomach, faintness, throwing up, cold sweats, excessive feelings of tiredness, and whiteness of skin. These are the symptoms of sea sickness typically accompanying movement whether by water craft, box car, air craft, vehicle or carnival rides), the symptoms consisting seasickness waffle from a miniscule instance to devastating demobilization and occur when the brain cannot make sense out of the contrasting signals it receives from the inner ear, eyes and body. Although a variety of drugs exist to take control of the sea sickness symptoms, such choices routinely produce sleepiness and lessen way of thinking. Consequently, sea sickness tablets are by and large not popular while traveling to new destinations. In contrast, plenty of the symptoms of sea sickness routinely are abbreviated or extinguished by taking advantage of a seasickness seaband invented to mirror acupressure.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Good one on Accupressure As A Motion Sickness Remedy.I recently found out 1 million children are accidentally poisoned in their homes each year.And also I did find the toxins we use in our home here think it's time we all know about the toxins we use.

